
The circulation shower





Is the bathroom the place you charge up for the day? Or is it the place to relax after a long day?
Luxury and comfort is what the HomeSpa will give you.

Traditional shower head flow per minute

8 liters

HomeSpa’s main shower head flow per minute

30 liters


The HomeSpa is a circular shower. The shower water is filtered and reused. This saves both energy and water. To keep the shower water at the desired temperature, fresh hot water is added to the cycle once in a while.


Energy consumption

0,88 kWh

Water consumption

14 liter

Traditional shower

Energy consumption

2,24 kWh

Water consumption

64 liter

Per shower session of 8 minutes using a HomeSpa 15. Savings can differ depending on installation and use.


Because the HomeSpa reuses the water, you save tremendously on your water and energy consumption. The savings can reach up to 90% compared to other rain showers.

Informatie & prijzen

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No longer available..

The HomeSpa has been the basis of our succes as a designer and manufacturer of sustainable shower systems. Our portfolio has grown considerably in recent years. Therefore the HomeSpa is no longer in production as of January 1, 2022.

Are you interested in a sustainable shower system? Please check out our Blue or Loopz system.

Team Hamwells 



Information & prices

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Informatie & prijzen

Dé circulaire douche

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