Energy Poverty Solutions

In 2020, a staggering 6.9% of the population across 27 European Union countries found themselves grappling with the challenge of keeping their homes warm (EU-SILC survey). It’s a stark reminder that the rising energy prices over the past year and a half have far-reaching consequences, affecting nearly 31 million individuals.

Governments across many countries have stepped in with support packages to aid those struggling with energy costs. Additionally, massive investments are being made in sustainable energy generation projects, promising a brighter, eco-friendly future. However, there’s one aspect of energy consumption that often goes unnoticed: hot water production. We’re here to shed light on it and share some smart techniques to help you reduce your energy usage for hot water.

Energy-Saving Tips for Hot Water

  • Shorter Showers, Bigger Savings: Cutting just one minute off your shower time can save you approximately 10% on your energy usage for showering, assuming the average shower time is around 9 minutes.
  • Lower Water Temperature: Lowering your water temperature by just 1°C can result in savings of about 3-3.5% on your energy usage for showering, considering the standard water temperature is around 39°C.
  • Skip a Shower: Reducing your shower frequency by just one shower per week can lead to remarkable savings of about 14% on your energy usage for showering, based on the assumption of one shower per day as the standard routine.

While these tips can be effective, we understand that changing your shower routine can be challenging. For many, the bathroom is a sanctuary of relaxation and self-care.

That’s why the Waste Water Heat Recovery (WWHR) technology is a real game changer. The largest effect can be achieved by using modern techniques for reducing the energy consumption for providing hot water. One of them is Waste Water Heat Recovery (WWHR) from shower water. With this technique it is possible to reuse more than 75% of the energy in the shower waste water. This results in more than 50% savings on your energy usage for showering!

What’s even better is that these solutions are readily available and can be installed in all homes, regardless of their construction year. Every home equipped with such a system will benefit from it year after year. Imagine the impact: reduced energy poverty, decreased dependence on fossil fuels, lower CO2 emissions, and more. 


Ready to Make a Change?

 Learn more about the possibilities of WWHR shower systems and how they can transform your energy consumption and environmental impact. Click here for more information.


Shower sustainably. Save energy, reduce emission. 

Cheers, Team Hamwells

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