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Loopz Plus

Loopz Plus

A compact, portable shower that circulates the water. Because the water is circulated, you can take long showers with just 6 litres of water.


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Product details

The Loopz Plus. A compact, portable shower that circulates the water. Because the water is circulated, you can take long showers with just 6 litres of water. Suitable for both outdoor use and to integrate in your camper, jeep, van etc. The Loopz Plus has a UV-C unit that destroys the molecular structure of viruses and bacteria. Please note, Loopz does not heat the shower water.

70 x 70 x 10 cm / 27 x 27 x 4″

7 kg / 15,5 lbs

Power supply
12VDC connection, 24W max power draw

Water reservoir
6 liters / 1,5 gallons

Sediment filter, Micro filter and UV-C LED
More explainend about the filtration here.


* Please be aware DAP incoterms apply. The customer is responsible for all import costs associated with the shipment, like import duty, taxes & customs clearance.

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Dé circulaire douche

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